1·I at high pass examination to fall in examination, so choose from test, but because of own idle with badly living habit, end also do not insist down.
2·Did Li Shizhen pass the imperial examination?
3·Li Shizhen studied for the exams and passed the country-level examination, but he was never able to pass the imperial (帝国的) examination.
4·Finally, they will have to pass the L.A.R.E. (landscape architect Registration Examination) to obtain their licenses to practice landscape architecture as certified professionals.
5·Examination of the end of the bell, and mother Ying Shangqu pass with a cup of canned good bottle of bubbles urged children to drink strong tea, tea is also strong, Gengnong situation.
6·Our commercial flight training is a progressive acceleration and a structured program that allows you to obtain the required flight training to commercial pilots able to pass the examination.
7·Training: Aspiring morticians must complete an Associate Degree, or equivalent credits, pass a state or national board licensing licensing examination, and spend one to three years as an apprentice.
8·Florida will not let you work as an interior designer unless you complete a four-year university degree and a two-year apprenticeship and pass a two-day examination.
9·He managed to knuckle down to his lessons long enough to pass his examination.
10·If you study hard, you can pass the examination.